People's Writer of Kazakhstan Fariza Ongarsynova celebrates her 70th anniversary

F. Ongarsynova was born December 25, 1939 in Manash village of Novobogatin district of Guryev oblast. In 1961 she graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Guryev Pedagogical University. After graduation she worked as a teacher then as a principal of rural schools. Since 1966 she found herself in journalism. She contributed to such newspapers as Kommunistik Enbek, Leninshil Zhas and Kazakhstan Pioneri. Fariza was Editor-in-Chief of Ak Zhelken newspaper.
Her first collection of poems "Nightingale" was published in 1967. After then she published a number of poetic books both in Kazakh and Russian languages. Besides, she is the author of several feature essays like "Height" and a documentary story entitled "Kamshat".
For outstanding merits for the Motherland Fariza Ongarsynova was awarded the Badge of Honor Order, several medals and was given the title of "People's Writer of Kazakhstan".
According to Orazkul Asangazy, Chief of Languages Development Department of Astana, F. Ongarsynova's life can serve as an example of honesty, sincerity, justice for younger generation.
Deputy of the Senate Kuanysh Sultanov says F. Ongarsynova has never accepted unfairness, adulation, lie and laziness. "All of us are aware of her exactingness, along with this she is kind towards the people surrounding her", the senator notes.
"People who are writing poems are not ordinary persons. They think of the problems, grief and joy which have no connection with them. I am that person who has always wished welfare to my nation and country", F. Ongarsynova says.