10:54, 07 December 2009 | GMT +5
Per capita GDP in Kazakhstan makes USD 8451,8 - hotline to President
ASTANA. December 7. KAZINFORM /Muratbek Makulbekov/ In accordance with the data provided by the Statistics Agency of Kazakhstan the country's GDP in 2008 made USD 132.5 bln; per capita GDP was USD 8 451.8. Such answer was given to the question that had been received at the Presidential call-center. The question was asked by U. Shavigi who expressed interested in the profit from sale of natural resources.

"Today Kazakhstan is still in the list of the countries with developing economies", the answer reads.
The Human Development Index is one of the most authoritative ratings estimating the level of the country's development including per capita GDP in US dollars. Thus according to the latest report in 2009 Kazakhstan ranked 82nd in HDI among 182 countries of the world.