Permanent Mission of Kazakhstan took part in UN charity event

NEW YORK. April 7. KAZINFORM /Aliya Altyngazina/ The Permanent Mission of Kazakhstan to the UN participated in the charitable fair, organized by the UN Women?s Guild.
The fair was held in the hall of the UN headquarters, where remembrances, fineries and ethnic dishes from over 30 countries of the world were offered for sale. Wives of Kazakh Diplomats and members of the Kazakh mission presented wide choice of home-made culinary products and other goods. The proceeds from the sale were conveyed to the fund of the UN Women?s Guild. The President of the Guild noted that Kazakhstan takes an active part in the charitable events of the organization. ?We formed close friendly relations with Permanent Representative of your country Berganym Aitimova who always supports our activities?, the President said. According to the Guild?s President, all donations go to support orphanages, schools, national centers and other child care centers. Last year the Women?s Guild raised about USD 250 thousand while holding sales, concerts and other activities.
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