PM Bektenov inspects reconstruction of Tasotkel Water Reservoir in Zhambyl region

PM Bektenov inspects reconstruction of Tasotkel Water Reservoir in Zhambyl region
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As part of his working trip to Zhambyl region, Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov inspected the course of reconstruction of the Tasotkel Water Reservoir and application of water saving technologies in the region's agricultural sector, Kazinform News Agency reports.

Olzhas Bektenov flew over the water reservoir and checked the condition of construction works undergoing there, according to

The Tasotkel reservoir provides water to the irrigated lands of Shu and Moiynkum districts - a total of about 35 thousand hectares. The reservoir’s water is also supplied to the Tasotkel Hydro Power Plant and for environmental releases to the lower reaches of the Shu River in Moiynkum, Sarysu districts of Zhambyl region and Sozak district of Turkistan region.

PM Bektenov inspects reconstruction of Tasotkel Water Reservoir in Zhambyl region
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PM Bektenov inspects reconstruction of Tasotkel Water Reservoir in Zhambyl region
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The Prime Minister emphasized that the issue of water infrastructure is under the special control of the Government.

He reminded that all dams and reservoirs in the country were built in 1950-1970s. The Head of State instructed the Government to build 20 new and reconstruct 15 existing reservoirs to reduce the risk of flooding in 134 settlements.

PM Bektenov inspects reconstruction of Tasotkel Water Reservoir in Zhambyl region
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He stressed the importance of ensuring proper testing of the emergency spillway after the reconstruction and increasing seismic resistance of the dam.

The water reservoir is set to be commissioned in August 2024.

PM Bektenov inspects reconstruction of Tasotkel Water Reservoir in Zhambyl region
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The Prime Minister also surveyed the fields of the Sharipov Farm in the village of Akbulum, which implements water-saving technologies. The total crop area of ​​the farm is 330 hectares,  80 hectares of which are used for growing sugar beet. The farm also specializes in growing onions, potatoes, corn and grain crops. The total design capacity is 10,000 tons of products per year. 11 wells with a depth of up to 300 meters have been installed in the territory of the farm. Drip irrigation is now carried out on an area of ​​160 hectares, due to six sprinkler irrigation systems.

PM Bektenov inspects reconstruction of Tasotkel Water Reservoir in Zhambyl region
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Sugar beet is one of the priority agricultural crops, the planting area of ​​which in the region has been enlarged to 10,600 hectares. This year, the region is expected to produce more than 600 thousand tons of sugar beet with an average yield of 60 thousand tons per hectare. Olzhas Bektenov pointed out the need to increase sugar beet processing capacities in Zhambyl region.

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