PM criticized development of defense industry and Kazakhstan engineering

ASTANA. April 30. KAZINFORM /Aigul Tulekbayeva/ Prime Minister Karim Massimov has criticized the work of all departments in the sphere of defense industry and Kazakhstan engineering.
As Minister of Industry and Trade Vladimir Shkolnik says, draft law on defense order is under the Parliament?s consideration at present. Kazakhstan?s content in purchases of the products of defense industry will be increased 1.5 times in 2009, he added. According to Vice Minister of Defense Bolat Sembinov, the Ministry works on strengthening air defense forces and studying the opportunities of establishing military-navy forces. As Chairman of Kazakhstan Engineering JSC informed, the Company is involved in establishment of joint ventures with the world?s leading producers. ?We have already registered a company at which we plan to manufacture a system of tactical radio communication with the Armed Forces. However, having heard the reports, the Head of the Government expressed dissatisfaction with the activity of the departments. ?I do not see any results of your work in this direction?, he said.
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