PM holds Economic Expert Council meeting
At the meeting, the experts discussed the issues of the government policy with regard to the territorial and spatial development of the country.
They considered the factors that affect the growth of Kazakhstan's GDP including gross exports, urbanization and migration processes, integration projects and the establishment of regional innovative ecosystems, the quality of secondary education, etc.
Head of the Astana International Science Complex Anuar Buranbayev made a report on the competitive growth potential.
The following attendees also addressed the meeting: Kazakh Minister for Investments and Development Zhenis Kassymbek, Board Chairman of the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic Kazakhstan Ablay Myrzakhmetov, CEO of the Centras Group Yeldar Abdrazakov, Chair of the Governing Board of the Association of Taxpayers of Kazakhstan Zhannat Yertlesova, Director of RAKURS Center for Economic Analysis Oraz Zhandosov, Director of Center for Analysis of Social Challenges Meruert Makhmutova, Senior Partner of the Center for Strategic Initiatives.