PM Sagintayev met chief executives of China's major innovative companies

At the meeting with Director General of Ferro Mining HK Ltd. Chen Lei, the parties discussed cooperation in implementation of innovative technologies at chemical and metallurgical enterprises. The company based in Hong Kong specializes in financial sector and light metals.
The talks with Vice President of Youngxiang Group Tang Xiaoyo focused on joint projects in steel industry. Youngxiang Group is actively engaged in investing in mining and metal industries, infrastructure and construction.
The meeting with Chairman and CEO of Lovol Heavy Industry CO Wang Guimin was devoted to discussing cooperation in production of agricultural equipment meeting international standards. Today Lovol Heavy Industry CO is one of the largest engineering companies in China, producing 70 thousand tractors and 50 thousand combines per annum.
The meeting with Chairman of YTO Group Corporation Zhao Yanshui discussed the projects in mechanical engineering for agro-industrial sector.
At the bilateral meeting with the Chairman of CNOOD Asia Limited Chi Yonghai, the parties reviewed the prospects for cooperation in light and food industries.
The agenda of the meeting with President of Nuchtech Chen Zhitsyan included the issues of implementing joint projects on production of up-to-date technological equipment.
In Beijing, Sagintayev also met with representatives of expert structures from China, namely with chief executives of the Institute of Structural Economic Research at Peking University, Strategic Development Research Institute and the Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, the Institute of Economics at the State Committee for Development and Reform, the Institute of World Economy and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Center for Development Studies of the State Council.
In Shenzhen, Sagintayev visited the world's largest technology companies such as SF Holding, Tencent Holding and Huawei Technologies.
In the province of Guangdong, on the territory of the SF Express distribution center, which is one of the international express delivery leaders, Sagintayev was familiarized with advanced technologies in logistics, warehousing and sorting of goods and e-commerce development. The company is the second largest courier in China, after China Post, specializing in domestic and international express deliveries. Kazakhstan is interested in studying the experience of the Chinese company and establishing cooperation, including using the transit potential of Kazakhstan to shorten the shipment of goods from China to Central Asia and cooperation in the territory of the Khorgos Center.
Visiting the headquarters of Tencent Holding Ltd., one of the largest investment and venture capital companies in the world, Sagintayev got acquainted with the experience of founding the Tencent Open Platform for startups, as well as developing cloud technologies and intelligent solutions for various sectors of the economy.
At the site of Huawei Technologies, the world's leading provider of information and communications solutions, the Kazakh PM got familiarized with the progress made by the Chinese company in developing its own technologies and know-how. Currently, Huawei has 15 regional offices in more than 140 countries, 36 joint innovation and 15 research centers. The corporation's experience in development of equipment for telecommunications infrastructure as well as innovative development of cloud solutions and big data systems aroused great interest among the delegation members.