PM surveys construction of a micro-district in Satpayev
People from the emergency houses of the village of Zhezkazgan and the adjacent settlements that have fallen into the zone of collapse during the repeated mining of copper deposits are moving to the Nurly Meken micro district. They receive new apartments in the framework of the Comprehensive Plan for Social and Economic Development of Zhezkazgan, Satpayev and Ulytau region for 2012-2020.
For resettled citizens, 1760 apartments (118,700 m²) have been built in the micro district today. The backbone heating system is connected, the houses are provided with the necessary engineering communications.
Satpayev city akim, A. Idrissov, said that by the end of June 2018, 4 houses will be built, with an area of 12 100 m² (195 apartments). Along with this, this year it is planned to complete the construction of 107 semi-detached houses and two hostels.
As part of the visit to the facility, Bakytzhan Sagintayev also got acquainted with the housing construction plans of the Zhezkazgan region and the implementation of the Nurly Zher program, taking into account the instructions of the Head of State given in the Five Social Initiatives.
According to the Nerly Zher Housing Construction Program, 374 100 m² of housing was built in Karaganda region last year, which is 9.8% more than in 2016. Housing conditions improved for more than 3,3 thousand families. In the first quarter of 2018, 113 100 m² of housing was introduced, or 131% to the same period in 2017, and housing conditions for about 1.2 thousand families were improved.