Policies and strategies to strengthen trade and economic cooperation between Italy and Asian Countries

ASTANA. KAZINFORM Strengthen cooperation between Italy and Asian Countries so as to produce more trade and business opportunities in the area which includes Far East and South East Asia, towards which Italian exports are envisaged to grow by 8.60% in the 2014-2017 three-year period.

Create permanent international networks with the presence of the institutions and the business world for the development of economic and cultural projects with the Countries of the Far East, the AGI press release reports.

These are the goals of the Eurasia Workshop, a long-term international promotional initiative taken jointly by AGI (Agenzia Giornalistica Italia), the La Sapienza University of Rome and the Fondazione Roma-Mediterraneo, under the auspices of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and with the patronage of the ICE Agency.

The event is organized by the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and by the Asia Trading Project, a specialized agency.

The first International Workshop will be held in Rome on the 9th and 10th of June next, at the auditorium of the Chamber of Commerce - Hadrian's Temple in Piazza di Pietra - from 10.00 to 18.00. The topics to be discussed are: the growth trends of Asian Countries, opportunities for co-operation with Italy, shared development strategies with the Institutions and businesses and creation of a common social and economic information network.

The initiative takes place at the eve of the semester of the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and of the ASEM Meeting that will see the participation of Heads of State and Government of 52 European and Asian Countries that will meet on the 16th and 17th of October next in Milan with the goal of stimulating the growth and the development of both continents and of strengthening the dialogue on economic, political and cultural cooperation. Moreover, the initiative is strictly linked to EXPO 2015, that will take place in Milan and that will also represent a great opportunity to increase the interchange between Europe and Asia.

The workshop will be opened by Hon. Benedetto della Vedova, Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs.

The economic prospects and the investment opportunities will be presented by Prof. Naoyuki Yoshino, Professor of Economics, Director of the Asian Development Bank and Economic Advisor to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe; Guan Jianzhong, President of Dagong (Chinese rating firm); China Xin, President of Shandong Wanbao Group ltd; Ajith N. Cabraal, Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka; Andrea Goldstein, Director of the OECD Investments Division; Naomi Chakwin, European Director of the Asian Development Bank.

The geopolitical aspects will be discussed by Wang Tao, Director of the Eurasian Economic Forum of Xi'an, and Stephen Wong, European Director of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.

Giuseppe Scognamiglio, Vice President of Unicredit Group and Massimo D'Aiuto, Chief Executive Officer of Simest Spa will be present for Italy.

These presentations will be followed on Tuesday 10th at 10:30 by the contributions on the Media and Communications world by Gianni Di Giovanni, Chief Executive Officer of AGI; Alessandro Lanza, Oil Editorial committee; Li Lifan, Executive Director of the Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies, Shanghai Academy for Social Sciences (SASS), China; Sokmom Nimul, Director General, Agence Kampuchea Presse (AKP), Cambodia; Nguyen Duc Loi, Director General, Vietnam News Agency (VNA), Vietnam; Wang Xingqiao, in charge of the Rome Bureau of the Xinhua News Agency.

The fourth session, scheduled on Tuesday 10th in the afternoon, will cover the topic "Southeast Asia: Diplomacy for Growth". Among the speakers, Diauhari Oratmangun, Ambassador of Indonesia in Moscow (Former Asean General Secretary); Nguyen Vu Tung, Director of Vietnam Academy of Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam; Ajith N. Cabraal, Governor, Central Bank of Sri Lanka.

AGI - Agenzia Giornalistica Italia, is one of Italy's leading news companies. It has been providing news to support the publishing, economic and industrial sectors since 1950 and is constantly pursuing a growth strategy on the international scenario, in strategic areas worldwide, thanks to an active network of correspondents and partnerships operating in over 40 countries and news in 6 different languages.

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