Population census held in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan, Astana. March 7. KAZINFORM The population census completed in Kazakhstan on March 6.
"Kazakhs took an active part in the census. In Kyzylorda and Mangystau, the 'counters' completed their activities before the deadline. The census has launched in those regions and the process will begin in other regions on March 7 and last 10 days," Kazakhstan Statistics Agency press officer Gulnar Malgazhdar said. The population census in 2009 involved 58,368 counters. Each counter visited an average of 300 people. Over 13,000 instructors-controllers supervised their work. Census stations were also operating during these days in all regions. Those who could not meet their counters at home were able to fill in census forms during travel, at airports, railway and bus stations etc . "The preliminary results of the census will be released next autumn. A final report on the the census will be published in 2010, Malgazhdar said, Kazinform refers to Trend News.
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