Population of Kazakhstan reaches 17 563 300
Kazinform has learnt from the press service of the Statistics Committee of Kazakhstan. In January-July 2015 the total population of the country increased by 145.6 thousand inhabitants or 0.8%. Compared with August 1, 2014 the total number of Kazakhstan's population increased by 254.6 thousand persons or 1.47%. According to Civil Registration Office, the number of births in January-July 2015 amounted to 231.5 thousand people. The total fertility rate per 1,000 births was 22.72. In the reporting period the number of deaths amounted to 80 thousand persons which is 1.8% more than in January-July 2014. The crude death-rate per 1,000 people was 7.85. The natural growth of the population in January-July 2015 compared with January-July 2014 decreased by 1.2 thousand people or 0.8%, and reached 151.6 thousand people. Natural increase per 1000 population was 14.87. The number of registered migrants arrived in the country for permanent residence in January-July 2015 compared with January-July 2014 grew by 0.2% and amounted to 9689 people, while the number of migrants who left the country increased by 7.4 % and reached 15,615 persons, thus, net migration was 5926 people.