Presentation of President's Address held at Kazakh Embassy in Italy

ASTANA. KAZINFORM On January 29, Kazakhstan's Embassy held a presentation of the Address of President Nursultan Nazarbayev to the People "Kazakhstan's way - 2050: common aim, common interests, common future" in Italian language.

Representatives of political, expert and academic circles and mass media of Italy participated in the event, the Kazakh MFA's press service reports.

In his speech Kazakhstan's Ambassador Andrian Yelemessov noted that today Kazakhstan is firmly committed to creating economic, social, and institutional bases for implementation of the "Strategy-2050" and achieving its main aim to enter the world's top 30 most developed countries. Kazakhstan's diplomat briefed in detail on the economic provisions of the Address, as well as on priority infrastructure and investment projects. He underscored that Kazakhstan will not change conceptual bases of its foreign policy and will fulfill all obligations that the country had undertaken. Italian experts in their speeches were unanimous in the fact, the Address of Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev not only demonstrated some impressive results of the Country's development but, more importantly, set concrete clear goals for future development of Kazakhstan. In particular, former President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Riccardo Migliori underscored: "In general, the recent Address differs by its ambitions, well thought strategy, qualitatively new tasks and, most importantly, the President's care about his nation. Due to successful accomplishment of the set tasks Kazakhstan has all prerequisites to enter the world's top 20 most developed countries by 2050." Member of Senate Sergio Divina noted timeliness and effectiveness of anti-crisis measures undertaken by Kazakhstan as well as achievements of the country on the international arena. He highly estimated efforts of Kazakhstan's government in development of manufacturing sectors of the economy. Italian professor of Turkic studies and President of scientific -research center "Vox Populi" Ermanno Visintainer noted that the formulation of "Eternal Nation" national idea was the most important Address's message to him. He believes, it is impossible establish and develop a stable nation without a sense of patriotism.

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