President commissioned regional authorities to apply I-Komek Centre's experience

He said that the governmental structures must be always open and available for the population. The executives of districts and regions must implement one-window barrier-free system of services with the use of digital technologies, he added.
Moreover, as the President stressed, public servants should publish their contact details (phone numbers) in mass media to let the residents call them anytime they need help.
He stressed the importance of implementing ‘open akimats' in the regions of the country.
According to him, non-governmental organizations should also study and apply these recommendations.
The President offered the governmental structures to apply the experience of I-Komek Prompt Response Monitoring Centre to ensure transparency and effectiveness.
iKomek unites all call centres of the city's utility services and functions as a single point of contact for the residents. It offers more than 1,050 types of services which an operator may provide upon the first call.