President: Economic sanctions - major problem of Eurasia's geo-economics

"The major problem of Eurasia's geo-economics is the economic sanctions imposed unilaterally by certain countries and those applied as tit-for-tat sanctions. Some parts of ‘Big Eurasia' still face a great variety of full-scale military confrontation," said the President.
According to him, Middle East remains one of the most sensitive regions.
"This instability was caused by the Syrian crisis, preservation of political tensions in Iraq, civil war in Libya, internal challenges of development in Arab countries which we observe today. All of this is deteriorated by breakdown of the nuclear agreement with Iran which had been reached in uneasy circumstances. The entire world community worked over the process. Kazakhstan contributed to it as well by demonstrating its own experience of abandoning its nuclear arsenal, since nuclear bombs cannot be a cure-all of security," said Nazarbayev.