23:59, 23 December 2009 | GMT +5
President: My next message to the nation is about post-crisis development
ASTANA. December 23. KAZINFORM /Muratbek Makulbekov/ "My next Address to People of Kazakhstan will be devoted to the post-crisis development of the country", Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev has said today at the new office of "Egemen Kazakhstan" newspaper.

Crisis is a regular thing happening worldwide, he noted. "There can be recoveries and recessions in the economy. The Government has worked out the Development Program for 2010-2020. The first five-year plan of realization of the program will be implemented brining from the nest year", N.Nazarbayev said. He also noted that the Kazakh economy will growth by 50% by 2020 and the national welfare will increase as well.
The President stressed that there are no other state except Kazakhstan which plan economic growth right after the crisis.