13:05, 09 May 2009 | GMT +5
President Nazarbayev congratulates Kazakhstanis on Victory Day
ASTANA. May 9. KAZINFORM /Aigul Tulekbayeva / Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev has congratulated veterans of the World War Two, all Kazakhstanis on the Victory Day, May 9; Kazinform reports.

?Today is the Great holiday, we celebrate May 9, the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. In the former Soviet Union all people and nations together fought and won fascism. If our grandfathers and fathers did not win in this war, we would not see today?s independence and freedom. According to fasciists' ideology, we did not have to live, we as a nation were a weed among nations and nobody needed us. Today Kazakhstan, its multienthic country, where people live together complying the rules, protecting culture, history of each ethnic groups of our country. And this is the good cause?, the Head of the State said.
N.Nazarbayev noted that the citizens in our country have all opportunities to know language, culture, raise children, can bravely face the future . ?And it is happiness for all people of Kazakhstan?, the President emphasized.
?Owing to the victory of our grandfathers and fathers we reap the benefit of a good life, because of it we never forget this date. Kazakhstan pays big attention to the veterans, they have no complains to the state bodies, we provide them with all they need?, N.Nazarbayev noted.
?I congratulate all on this holiday. I wish the veterans to be always close to us, be healthy, and live long. I want all to meet next year on the 65th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War?, the Head of the State said.