President on digitalization of Kazakhstan

"We all know that the world changes rapidly.The Internet of things, artificial intellect, 3d printing technologies, blockchain are actively penetrating all spheres of human life. Digitalization has become one of the key factors of a country's competitiveness development," said the President.
He reminded that Kazakhstan was one of the first CIS countries to introduce e-services.
"Last year we launched the 3rd Modernization Programme. And we see certain results today. More than 75% of the citizens have been issued electronic health passports. Over 90% of schools have been provided with digital educational resources. 100% customs declarations are processed in e-format," said the President.
Nursultan Nazarbayev told the participants of the opening ceremony about the large-scale work conducted on implementation of digital technologies, stage-by-stage transition of enterprises to ‘smart production.' In order to improve the quality of life, ‘smart-city' components are being introduced in large cities.
The President noted that the rate of broadband internet penetration across the country will make 82% by 2021.