15:29, 15 April 2009 | GMT +5
President?s Message promulgated by <i>Kazinform</i> gets feedback
ASTANA. April 15. KAZINFORM. /Kurmat Samarkhan/ From the date the Message of President Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan was made public, Kazinform Agency has published bulk of related information which continues increasing - President of Kazinform National Company JSC Dauren Diyarov announced at the board session of the Kazakh Ministry of Culture and Information.

The day it was promulgated, Kazinform published the full text of the President?s Message in Kazakh, Russian and English, and created a special column on the website. ?Apart from using our own resources, we also interact with government members, public figures, analysts, international experts, non-governmental organizations, youth and women organizations, leaders of social movements whose words and thoughts are meaningful to Kazakhstanis?, D. Diyarov said.
Within a short period from March 6 through April 14 about 700 news articles and other information materials on the subject of the President?s Address to the nation have been published in three languages in the columns titled ?President?s Address to the Nation?, ?Our Important Guest?, ?Commentary?, ?30 Corporate Leaders? on the website of Kazinform. ?I should add that we receive a lot of responses and specific recommendations on all key aspects of the Message of the President?, said Diyarov.
?The core points of the Message are also explicated by ministers, region akims, parliament deputies, scientists, experts and analysts. One of the recent ?guests of Kazinform? was Minister of Agriculture A. Kurishbayev who told about the Ministry?s plans on promoting small and medium business in rural areas, and the process of utilization of budget means allocated for agricultural loans and improvement of agro-industrial complex. We plan to publish interviews with all the ministers before the end of the year in order to encourage successful implementation of the goals and tasks set forth in the President?s Address, and minimize negative impact of the world economic crisis upon our country?, Mr. Diyarov noted.