Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov lays flowers to Manshuk Mametova Monument in Astana

ASTANA. KAZINFORM Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov has laid today flowers to the Monument of the Soviet Union Hero Manshuk Mametova and observed a minute of silence in memory of Kazakhstani warriors killed during the Great Patriotic War, Kazinform learned from the Government’s press service.

The event dedicated to the Victory Day was held in the capital’s Akzhayik Park.

Legendary machine gunner Manshuk Mametova went off to war in August 1942 where she joined the 21st Rifle Division and 100th Rifle Brigade. She was awarded the Seniour Sergeant rank and was a machine gun commander.

Manshuk Mametova was posthumously awarded the Soviet Union Hero title for participation in the Battle of Nevel in October 1943.

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