Prime Minister to dismiss Akims for undeveloped budget funds

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Serik Akhmetov threatened regional Akims with dismissals for undeveloped budget funds allocated for the implementation of the program of housing and communal services modernization.

"One of regional Akims' evaluation criteria will be the modernization of housing and public utilities. Some Akims have not yet disbursed the budget funds. In this case they should be dismissed. Targeted and timely disbursement of funds allocated for ''Affordable Housing" and 'modernization of housing is the direct duty of Akims'', said Akhmetov today in the Ministry of Regional Development.

The Prime Minister instructed the Minister of Regional Development Bolat Zhamishev to assume control over the above mentioned issue.

Furthermore, S.Akhmetov emphasized that mechanisms of the housing modernization program must be accessible and understandable to the public. According to him, people misunderstand the program and businessman do not want to make investments.

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