Priorities of Kazakhstan's Presidency over UN Security Council presented at OSCE headquarters

ASTANA. KAZINFORM During OSCE Permanent Council session, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan to international organizations in Vienna Kairat Sarybai briefed the representatives of the OSCE Participating States on the priorities of Kazakhstan's Presidency over the UN Security Council, Kazinform cites the Kazakh MFA press service.

It was noted that during the UN Security Council Presidency, Kazakhstan will continue pursuing the seven priorities outlined by President Nursultan Nazarbayev in his political address to the UN Security Council titled "Conceptual vision of Kazakhstan to strengthen global partnership for building a safe, just and prosperous world".

Mr. Sarybai told about the high-level thematic briefing "Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Confidence-Building Measures" held on January 18 this year with the participation of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, adding UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres addressed the meeting. Kazakh diplomat underlined that the theme of the briefing directly coincides with the country's foreign-policy priorities.

Another important event during the UN Security Council Presidency will be the ministerial debate "Building Regional Partnership in Afghanistan and Central Asia as a Model to Link Security and Development", where the foreign ministers of Central Asia and Afghanistan will participate.

In the light of the implementation of the Head of State's counterterrorism initiatives, the Ambassador called on the OSCE Participating States to consider the possibility of adopting the Code of conduct for the achievement of a terrorism-free world, the text of which was presented by Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan Kairat Abdrakhmanov at the UN headquarters in New York.

Representatives of a number of delegations expressed support for Kazakhstan's Presidency over the Security Council, and highlighted that "without Afghanistan's integration into regional processes, it will be difficult to ensure long-term stability in Central Asia."


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