Proleskovsky: CIS Council for Humanitarian Cooperation has a political mission

When asked about an impact of politics on the agenda of the council, Oleg Proleskovsky said: "We manage to maintain a sound balance: even the biggest political shocks of recent years have not stopped humanitarian cooperation within the framework of the Commonwealth. At the same time, the goal of the council is to make sure humanitarian cooperation is meant to maintain peace and friendship between our peoples and leaders. Therefore, I can say that the council has a kind of political mission, too," he said.
Oleg Proleskovsky noted that the first thing he will do as chairman of the council is to develop the agenda of the council and the Interstate Humanitarian Cooperation Fund for 2014. "The agenda has to do with the 7th CIS Forum of Creative Intellectuals where I was elected chairman of the council. A resolution setting forth the major objectives of the council and the CIS Interstate Humanitarian Cooperation Fund in 2013-2014 became the key document of the forum. The resolution formalized the commitment of the CIS member states to development of a joint humanitarian cooperation strategy and a proposal to suggest the Council of the Heads of State to declare the year 2014 the Year of Tourism in the CIS," he explained, BelTA reports.
Information Minister of Belarus Oleg Proleskovsky was elected Chairman of the CIS Council for Humanitarian Cooperation at a joint meeting of the Council and the Board of the CIS Interstate Humanitarian Cooperation Fund in Ashgabat in October 2012.
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