12:05, 21 January 2020 | GMT +5
Prominent statesman Kamal Burkhanov passed away
NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM Prominent statesman and public figure, former Majilis deputy Kamal Burkhanov has passed away, Kazinform reports with a reference to Senator Murat Baktiyaruly’s publication in Facebook.

According to him, Kamal Burkhanov has been ill in the past two years.
Kamal Burkhanov was born on March 31, 1954. In 1977, he graduated from Tashkent-based V.I.Lenin State University with a major in History. He was Doctor of Political Sciences and member of the Academy of Social Sciences of Kazakhstan. He authored more than 40 research works, books, articles and textbooks.
Kamal Burkhanov was a deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament of the IV-V convocations.