12:46, 20 April 2009 | GMT +5
Public administration of Great Britain to influence civil service reform in Kazakhstan
ASTANA. April 20. KAZINFORM. /Rizvana Sadykova/ The Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan has recently organized a two-week exchange program for the Master-degree graduate students of the Institute of Public and Local Administration at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), which is known to be one of the world?s leading school of Social and Human Sciences. Master-degree alumnus of the Public Administration Academy of under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ainur Zhanbyrbayeva shared her views with Kazinform.

From the moment it was founded at the end of the last century (1895) this genuine temple of science has been inspiring the world?s brightest minds for great achievements in the social, economic, political, international science by a simple but genius principle - «to know the essence of things». The School has excellent equipment and facilities, high quality management and prominent faculty and staff. It has everything one needs to gain knowledge of international level.
14 Nobel laureates such as G. Bernard Shaw, Sir Arthur Lewis and others conducted activity at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
We had an opportunity to use the library of LSE which is one of the biggest libraries in the world. There are about 4 million sources since 1895 and a huge electronic database with up to date information. The web site allows finding any necessary information which was very helpful in their studying process.
During the internship program we had a great opportunity to attend the lectures on international relations, governance and competitiveness, social economy, finance, global crisis by eminent western scholars K. Makrell, M. Cox, F. Terry, Dr. M. Dakenfield, V. Larseniza, E. Thielman.
Also as part of the training we had a visit to the Parliament of the United Kingdom and took part in the House of Lords session. A meeting with representatives of local management agencies where a wide range of social issues were discussed proved to be very useful.
This training course gave the graduates of Kazakhstan PA Academy a remarkable opportunity to compare the key moments of the government of Great Britain and Kazakhstan. Perhaps, they will embody some ideas of public organization in their practical work upon return to Kazakhstan.
I would like to note that owing to the knowledge gained from the training the students of the Academy can borrow the achievements of Great Britain and the European Union as well as contribute their own suggestions to resolve some problems of public sector organization.
I graduated from the Kazakh University of the Humanities and Law in 2002 and that very year I was employed at the Department of Justice of the South-Kazakhstan region as a Chief Specialist of the Notary Office Department. In 2005 I was appointed Head of the Department on Law Outreach Work and organization of legal service of the Department of Justice in the South-Kazakhstan Region.
This experience was extremely useful for the PA Academy graduates for it helped to open up and understand the entire complex system of public administration and international economic relations.
It is notable that this is the first experience of such cooperation between two elite schools - the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the London School of Economics which has proved to be very successful and productive. And all this is due to Rector of the Academy of Public Administration Bakhyt Yessekina who brought substantial contribution to the organization of the international training courses at high level.
On behalf of the PA Academy students who took part in this training course, I would like to express gratitude to the government of our country for understanding the importance of improving the educational potential of civil servants. We are deeply convinced that gained knowledge will be put into practice for the benefit of our republic.