Raids across houses with stove heating held in Astana

According to the agency, as of January 1, 2014, there are 148 difficult families registered in Almaty district. Last week life rescuers of the capital together with worker of the Inspection of minors' affairs of Astana city Administration of internal affairs held a raid in a residential sector across difficult families living in houses with stove heating and distributed reminder cards regarding compliance with fire safety rules in residential sector.
The agency notes that most residents of this sector rent apartments, that is why DES workers explained them importance of fire safety rules in case of stove heating and of adequate looking after children. Last year there were 95 fires in Astana due to violation of fire safety rules when using stove heating. That is why in order to prevent such emergencies, since the start of the year 4 raids have been held in Almaty district, and 4 raids are to be organized in February in residential sector, where much attention will be paid to difficult families.
Recall that there were 730 fires in the capital in the year 2013, where 72 people died, including 10 children.