Raising status of Kazakh language discussed at President's Executive Office

On Thursday, the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a roundtable meeting on «State Language – A Pillar of Peace» in celebration of the Day of Languages of the People of Kazakhstan, Kazinform reports.

Those attending the meeting were the employees of the central office and subordinate organizations of the President’s Executive Office, representatives of relevant authorities and linguists.

Welcoming the participants, Acting Chief of the President’s Executive Office Yerbol Adayev said the meeting aims at expanding the scope of the state language use, raising its status and wide propagation of its knowledge.

«In his Address to the Nation, the President calls not to forget that the role of the Kazakh language as the state language is solidifying. It gradually turns into the language of inter-ethnic communication. In an interview with QAZAQSTAN National TV Channel in 2022, the President said that all the affairs related to the state should be administered in the state language. At a ceremonial event dedicated to the Day of Republic held on October 22, 2022, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said that the state language had become another symbol of uniting the people of Kazakhstan. The objective of the state is to expand the scope of the Kazakh language use,» said Yerbol Adayev.

He informed the participants about the implementation of the language policy in the organizations of the President’s Executive Office and about the results of the work on development of the Kazakh language.

«The Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan closely cooperates with the Committee for Language Policy. The results of monitoring the use and record management in the state language are submitted to the relevant authorities quarterly. In Q2 of 2023 the share of Kazakh-language record management made 91%,» said Adayev. But the goal, in his words, is to ensure that 100% of all documents are in Kazakh.

In conclusion, the meeting honored the employees of the President’s Executive Office who had hugely contributed to the state language development.

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