Registration for VII Astana Economic Forum and II World Anti-Crisis Conference open

Every year Astana Economic Forum gathers over 7 000 delegates from 150 countries. The registration to the VII Astana Economic Forum is open now and as of today, over 250 high rank speakers have confirmed their attendance, including 6 deputy Prime Ministers, 40 Ministers and chairmen of Central Banks, 12 former heads of states and governments, as well as 14 Nobel Prize laureates, 40 leaders of international organizations and over 50 heads of research organizations.
One of the most significant events during the VII Astana Economic Forum is going to be the II World Anti-Crisis Conference - a major international event held in the year of 70th anniversary of the Bretton Woods Agreement and aimed at the development and adoption of the World Anti-Crisis Plan for UN member countries
We invite you to see the draft program of the VII Astana Economic Forum and the II World Anti-Crisis Conference and register at