Remains of ancient woman, bronze frog and 180 assyks unearthed at burial mound in Kazakhstan

UST KAMENOGORSK. KAZINFORM The archeologists of the Al Farabi Kazakh National University together with the specialists of the University of Cambridge carried out research of the Bronze and Early Iron Age monuments, Kazinform has learnt from the Kazakh Science and Higher Education Ministry’s press service.

The excavations in the village of Ainabulak, Zaisan district of East Kazakhstan region were led by head of the archeology, ethnology, and museology department of the Kazakh National University Rinat Zhumatayev.

The research was initiated as part of the archeological scientific research development program of the East Kazakhstan akimat. The full topographic map of the Ainabulak-Temirsu burial ground was compiled, several burial mounds were explored.

The remains of an ancient woman were unearthed in one of the burial mounds. There were also discovered a bronze arrowhead, a hanger, a bronze cup, 180 assysks (traditionally made out of the talus bone of a sheep, collected and used for traditional Assyk games), and a bronze frog.

There were also defined three ancient rural settlements.

Metallic items, bones, and soil samples from the graves were collected in field conditions for further research at the laboratories of the University of Cambridge.

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