Remains of Semey soldier found in Estonia to be sent home
The press service of the National Military Patriotic Center of the RoK Armed Forces said: "On April 22, 2016 during search works near Sirgala settlement, Idu-Virumaa county, the remains of the Red Army soldier with the medal "For Courage" No. 811663 was found. He died in 1944 during liberation of Estonia from fascist troops. We request the Central Archive of the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation to provide information about the soldier, and they answered that the medal had belonged to Sorokin Nikolay Fedorovich, an enlisted of the 781st regiment of the 124th shooting division, born in 1912. He was mobilized on August 23, 1941 by the October Military Enlistment Office and Semipalatinsk Enlistment Office the Kazakh SSR".
The patriotic action on afterfeast of military honors to the soldier from Kazakhstan who died in the days of the Great Patriotic War will take place on February 1 in Astana. Afterwards, the remains of the soldier will be reburied by the family in the city of Semey.