Remarks by President Nursultan Nazarbayev at a meeting with heads of the diplomatic missions accredited in Kazakhstan

Dear Ambassadors, Heads of the diplomatic missions! Ladies and gentlemen!
We are holding out traditional meeting on the eve of an important event - the XXII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi, which for the first time ever to take place on the territory of the CIS. I wish the organizing country of the Games, our strategic partner - the Russian Federation, successful carrying out of the Olympic mission. Our meeting is taking place under the start of a new stage of Kazakhstan's development. We started counting the newest time of its sovereign history. In the Address I determined the main vectors and specific objectives of the Kazakhstan way to enter Top 30 leaders of global development. We are intended to achieve the objective in the first half of the twenty first century.
Our Strategy Kazakhstan - 2050 provides for the development of a broad dialogue and mutually beneficial cooperation with all countries interested in friendship with Kazakhstan. First of all, it concerns the issues of investment cooperation, the exchange of technology, innovation and experience mports, expanding exports of Kazakh products. I encourage foreign businesses to invest in Kazakhstan, to open production, to enter into profitable contracts in the fields of production and deep processing of mineral resources, infrastructure, agricultural production and many others. Within the framework of industrial policy Kazakhstan will continue to create all the conditions for businesses to work for their benefit and for our country. We hope for your understanding and support of governments and willing to cooperate in this direction. I would like to emphasize that setting the goal of entering into Top 30 developed countries in the world is very important for our country. Kazakhstan is implementing clear modernization tasks. In particular, forced industrial development of our economy. Within the framework of the relevant program for 4 years there have been introduced 780 new businesses which created 160,000 new jobs. This year another 130 enterprises will start operation. Total execution of the program will create 950 enterprises and 250,000 new jobs. We annually commission new enterprises in the field of electricity, energy efficiency and «green technologies». Kazakhstan was the first state among CIS to adopt the strategy of «green economy» enhacement. In Kazakhstan there are developing innovation clusters such as deep processing of oil and gas, chemical industry, agricultural production, automobile and aircraft manufacturing, production of locomotives and wagons, electronics and many others. Kazakhstan now has the highest economic potential among the countries of the Central Asia. We are reviving the Great Silk Road. In 2015, we will complete the Kazakh section of the 2700 km ‘Western Europe-Western China' highway. Over the past few years we together with our neighbors have built the new railway line with the access to China and Southeast Asia, Iran and the Gulf countries. Kazakhstan's education has rapid changes. One of our main goals id to make Kazakhstan one of the educational centers of Eurasia. Heart and other organs transplantation as well as stem cell treatment is a reality for our country. Kazakhstan is among the 20 countries in the world that conduct such treatments. These are our approaches to current and future development of our country, the Central Asian region and the world.