Renowned linguist Abduali Kaidar passes away

ALMATY. KAZINFORM - Academician Abduali Kaidar passed away at the age of 95, Kazinform correspondent reports.

The Akhmet Baitursynov Institute of Linguistic Research confirmed the information.

Abduali Kaidar was a prominent linguist, Turkologist, Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor, member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. He was the holder of the titles of the Meritorious Scientist of the Kazakh SSR and the Honored Worker of Kazakhstan. He was a veteran of World War II.

65 high-skilled professional scientists, 10 of which are doctors of science, were educated under his leadership. Abduali Kaidar created over 400 scientific works, including 40 studies, student's books, dictionaries, collections.

It should be mentioned that 15 years ago, Kazinform International News agency for the first time started publishing news in the Latin-based Kazakh alphabet, which was developed by Abduali Kaidar.

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