15:52, 05 March 2009 | GMT +5
Reps of national and religious associations met in Astana
ASTANA. March 5. KAZINFORM /Zlikha Ibragimova/ Meeting on ?The role of women in spiritual development of the society? has been held today in the Palace of Peace and Accord, in the International Center of Cultures and Religions of the Kazakh Ministry of Justice. Representatives of the Islam, Christianity, Catholicism and national cultural centers took part in the meeting.
The participants of the meeting shared opinions on the role of the modern woman and her abilities to maintain stability in the society, to bring up the young generation in religious tolerance and respect to various cultural traditions.
According to Saule Khamitova, representative of a madrasah for girls, Kazakhstan has all opportunities for life in peace and harmony. And as long as education starts at home, it is the woman who can lay the foundation for future good and healthy society.
The guests visited the Palace of Peace and Accord galleries ?Kulanshi art center? and ?Shezhire, where they got acquainted with works of modern artists, the main theme of which is a woman.
The participants of the meeting expressed hope on further cooperation of women in strengthening stability in the society, education of religious tolerance and respect to the cultures of different nations in the young generation.