Retail price of diesel fuel on free market not to exceed 115 tenge per liter - Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan

"Consumption of diesel fuel has sharply increased in comparison with the previous year. Respectively, to bridge any possible shortage, we considered and decided, taking account wholesale prices in Russia, without taxes, to export it (diesel fuel - Ed.). The companies that will export disel duel from the Russian Federation should set prices at the level of 115 tenge per liter. We assume that supply of additional volumes will cover demands of North Kazakhstan. Excessive amounts we can distribute to other regions of Kazakhstan. Thus, we will exclude shortage in the autumn," Deputy Minister of Energy of Kazakhstan Asset Magauov said.
Ministry of Energy put forward an initiative to deregulate diesel fuel market, in order to avoid any shortage of diesel fuel in the country, especially during the harvesting campaign. Due to low prices of diesel fuel in the country large amounts of diesel fuel flows in Russia and Kyrgyzstan, where it is almost twice expensive.
"We believe that it is high time to conduct the deregulation. The draft law is posted on the website of the Ministry of Energy. In compliance with the law, the draft law should be there for 10 days underpass discussion with non-governmental organizations," Deputy Minister said.