Richard Branson shares insights on innovation and sustainability at New Vision 2024

New Vision
Photo credit: Yersultan Akhtanov/ Kazinform

As the world converges for New Vision 2024, the premier Central Asian business forum addressing pressing opportunities and challenges in geopolitics and international business, attendees were treated to a virtual session with Sir Richard Branson. Despite not being able to attend in person, the founder of the Virgin Group engaged the audience with his inspiring journey and visionary insights. Kazinfrom News Agency correspondent reports from the event.

"Thank you for inviting me. I've always wanted to come to Kazakhstan, and it's very sad not to be there in person because it's a country that has so much to offer," Branson began. "Next time, I'll see you in person, but I'm as close as I can be thanks to the wonders of technology."

The session, moderated by Maksat Kurbenov, founder and CEO of Nobelfest and the New Vision Forum, explored Branson's story, his thoughts on entrepreneurship, and his overall vision for the future. When asked about scaling businesses in the era of AI, Branson emphasized the importance of people.

"Whether it's in the era of AI or not, the key to scaling a business is a group of people. Find people that believe in what you are about to do, trust them, and give them the freedom to create good things."

Branson also shared his experience of releasing his first full audiobook, detailing his adventurous life and entrepreneurial endeavors.

"I've lived a really fun, full life. It's been full of adventure and creating things. Sharing my stories is important, not just for my audience but also for my children and grandchildren."

In a lighthearted moment, Branson congratulated Kazakhstan on their recent success in chess, highlighting a young champion who recently won a global title.

"Congratulations to him and Kazakhstan. I just read a book by another chess master, which shares life lessons, much like in business and life where we learn from our mistakes."

Reflecting on his long-standing commitment to environmental issues, Branson discussed his efforts toward combating climate change.

"We need entrepreneurs and governments to do everything they can to promote clean energy. If we can replace dirty energy with clean energy, we can create a world where the air is clean, energy is cheap, and it's a pleasure to live in."

Celebrating Virgin Atlantic's 40th anniversary, Branson attributed the airline's success to its exceptional staff and commitment to excellence.

New Vision
Photo credit: Yersultan Akhtanov/ Kazinform

"We started with one plane 40 years ago, and through an incredible spirit and attention to detail, we've built a beloved airline that stands out from the competition."

For the aspiring entrepreneurs in the audience, Branson offered three key pieces of advice: "Be bold and try things. Build a great team who believes in your idea. And come up with ideas that make people's lives better and stand out from the crowd."

Branson, who has dyslexia, shared how it shaped his entrepreneurial journey. "Dyslexic people often think differently, which can be very helpful as an entrepreneur. Follow what you're interested in, and don't be discouraged by conventional challenges."

Discussing the future of space travel, Branson expressed his excitement about making space tourism a reality. "Virgin Galactic is working on building more spaceships so that many people can experience the extraordinary day of going to space."

In closing, Branson reaffirmed his commitment to sustainability and innovation, encouraging businesses worldwide to pioneer clean energy solutions. The session concluded with a resounding applause from the audience, inspired by Branson's visionary outlook and relentless pursuit of creating a better world.

"Thank you so much," Branson said, waving to the audience. "Until next time, in person, in Kazakhstan."

The New Vision forum will continue tomorrow, June 29. Kazinform News Agency correspondent will continue to report on the details from the event.

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