Rio Paralympic stars Gabidullina, Koishybayeva featured on postage stamps
The postage stamps feature members of the national Paralympic team – Zulfiya Gabidullina –winner of the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games in swimming, and Raushan Koishybayeva – silver medalist of the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games in powerlifting.
“The production of postage stamps featuring our Paralympic champions demonstrates our special attention and respect to the athletes who glorified Kazakhstan in the sunny city of Rio de Janeiro. We hope that stamp collectors will appreciate the design and importance of the event depicted on the postage stamps. Probably, this will turn into a good tradition and each Paralympic cycle of Kazakhstan will be filled with gold medals,” Director of the National Paralympic Committee Yerlan Suleimenov says.
The size of the stamps is 28*40mm. The size of the sheet is 140*120mm Circulation: 15,000 pieces. The stamps were printed at the Banknote Factory of Kazakhstan RSE.
“Thank you for such a great attention! Hence, our names will be known not only in Kazakhstan but also in entire world,” said Raushan Koishybayeva.
Earlier, Kazpost JSC issued stamps dedicated to Winter Paralympic Games in Sochi. Besides, stamps featuring Gennady Golovkin and prizewinners of the Rio Summer Olympic Games were produced too.