RK Ministry of Industry , EDB signed memo of coop

ALMATY. February 25. KAZINFORM RK Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Eurasian Development Bank have signed a memorandum of cooperation in Astana today, Kazinform has learnt from the EDB?s press service.
The document was signed by Minister Vladimir Shkolnik and Deputy Chairman of the Bank Kambar Shalgimbayev. The Memorandum provides for assistance in development of market economy of the member countries, their stable economic growth, and expansion of mutual trade-economic ties. Realization of the document is directed primarily on formation of financial-investment mechanism to support integration projects of the EDB member countries and tuning up foreign economic interaction among them. EDB is an international financial organization established by Russia and Kazakhstan in January 2006 for development of market economy of the member countries, their sustainable economic growth and expansion of mutual trade-economic ties. The Charter capital of the EDB makes USD 1.5 bln.
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