Road accident cuts off nat gas supplies to whole town in North Caucasus

The affected town of Stavdurt is home to more than a thousand people, including almost 300 children.
The ministry's press secretary Yulia Starchenko said there are no reasons yet for strong apprehensions, though, as most of the houses are heated by wood stoves there, while kindergartens and schools have been closed down for a quarantine that ends Monday.
She indicated that the road accident involved a car that slid off the road and bumped into a surface gas pipeline by the roadside.
The road accident with the collision of two cars occurred on the night from Friday to Saturday at the 488th kilometer of the Kavkaz federal road.
"As a result of the accident, two passengers died and the driver who survived is at hospital now," Starchenko said; Kazinform cites Itar-Tass. See for full version.