12:37, 14 December 2009 | GMT +5
Road Map created 25 thousand jobs in Mangystau region
AKTAU. December 14. KAZINFORM /Anargul Tulegenova/ 25 thousand jobs were created in Mangystau region this year within the Road Map that is three times more compared to the last year.

KZT 7 bln was allocated for realization of all activities of the Road Map in the region. KZT 5.1 bln out of them was allocated form the national budget and KZT 1.9 bln - from the local budget. All 127 projects planned for the year were implemented.
Capital repair was made in 15 schools, 9 kindergartens, 7 medical facilities, 9 cultural facilities. 819 graduates were employed and 2 658 unemployed were involved in social woks.