RoK Prosecutor General criticized existing crime control system

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - The RoK Prosecutor General's Office has proposed to simplify and accelerate the criminal procedure.    

It was noted by Prosecutor General Zhakip Asanov during the Office meeting "the trust of people to the law enforcement in many respects depends on whether we manage to make the criminal procedure fair and reasonable".

"For instance, a criminal was caught in the act. He admitted his guilt. There are eyewitnesses. Nevertheless, the case investigation lasts for 15 days. In addition it takes 3 days for the prosecutor to study the case. The court proceedings take up to 20 days. In total that's 40 days. All this time the victims, witnesses, suspects spend their time in the offices. Such cases number tens of thousands. Repeated interrogations, hours-long lines in corridors. Of course, all this causes irritation in people. What is the practice in developed countries? If everything is evident, the detainee is led directly to the court. The court works round the clock. The prosecutor and lawyer are there. The sentence is pronounced within 3 days. About 70% of criminal cases are solved this way. Everything is done quickly. And this practice excludes corruption", - Assanov told.

The Prosecutor General's Office is convinced that introduction of information technologies into crime prevention is a necessary step in the modern conditions. One of the steps is introduction of the Electronic Criminal Case project.  Such format, according to the Prosecutor, will ensure transparency, control, and quality of investigation and supervision.  

"Every year we investigate 500 thousand criminal cases. Plus 4,5 million protocols of administrative offenses. Five million cases and materials for the officials to decide the penalty for a person. But it is not these figures which are terrifying. It is terrifying that all these affairs and materials are maintained manually. These are billions of sheets of paper and enormous expenses", - Zhakip Asanov said.

"Now, to study a claim, we request the case from the region. It takes them 2-3 weeks to reach us. Then se send it back which is another 2-3 week. Such cases keep "migrating" for months. Time passes, proofs are lost, events are forgotten. Investigation doesn't progress, whilst someone is under arrest all this time", - he said. According to Assanov, every year nearly 900 thousand cases undergo such procedure.

"Paper is not even yesterday - it is the relic of the past. The criminal cases written on paper are easy to get lost, destroyed or forged. Somewhere in a remote district a file might be dismissed illegally. The paper will keep lying in the desk until somebody complains again.  It is a temptation for abuse or rub out. To manually recheck each case is impossible. Therefore we set the goal to transfer this array of information to a digital format. Let's do more useful work which is necessary to our citizens, to the society", - the Prosecutor General charged.



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