17:47, 11 September 2013 | GMT +5
Roskosmos seeks Kazakh Government OK to resume Proton rocket launches from Baikonur
ASTANA. September 11. KAZINFORM The Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) has asked Kazakhstan's Ministry of Environment for help to resume the launches of the Russian Proton rockets from the Baikonur Space Center and settle the matter with the Government.

"Given the role we assign to the Proton space rockets in the implementation of the Russian space program and international commitments, I kindly ask Kazakhstan's environment minister Nurlan Kapparov on behalf of the Roskosmos administration to settle the matter of new launches of the Proton rockets at the level of his government," Sergey Savelyev, the deputy head of the Russian Federal Space Agency said, addressing the meeting of the working commission on cleanup operation at the site of the Proton-M rocket crash in Kazakhstan.
In his words, Russia continues the cleanup efforts at the site of the crash that took place in early July 2013.