16:46, 13 October 2015 | GMT +5
Runner-up of New Wave Song Contest 2015 Ademi to release solo album
ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Kazakhstani singer Ademi who was the runner-up at the recent New Wave Song Competition in Sochi, Russia will release her solo album in early 2016.
Ademi's producer Rinat Gaisin confirmed the news at a press conference in Astana on Tuesday. "We've just begun to work on Ademi's solo album. I believe it will be released in the beginning of 2016," Mr. Gaisin said. Ademi and her producer also plan to release two music videos. "There are plans to make two music videos - one in Kazakh and one in Russian - from her upcoming album. The videos will be made before New Year. As for now, Ademi will take some time to have rest after the New Wave Contest," he added. Mr. Gaisin said Ademi had received a tempting offer to record a single in English in Croatia and to work in Moscow, Russia. But, according to the producer, the singer wants to concentrate on her solo album.