Russia interested in Kazakhstan's approach to social modernization

  ASTANA. December. KAZINFORM "Being the strategic partner of Kazakhstan within main integration projects,  Russia is very interested in Kazakhstan's experience and approaches to social modernization," Director of Moscow State University's Information and Research Centre Alexey Vlasov said at today's Congress of political analysts "Social modernization as a key paradigm of Kazakhstan's development at modern stage."

The Russian expert stressed that the social policy of Kazakhstan is the most progressive and interesting in the post Soviet area.

"Kazakhstan's model takes into account social and cultural context," he said.

In addition, he noted that Kazakhstan's experience of social modernization is being seriously considered and studied in Moscow.

"Of course, this political line carried out by the Government of Kazakhstan, in my opinion, is the best, and certainly Russia studies with great interest the experience and new approaches to social modernization that have been used by Kazakh leadership recently. In particular, the creation of structures such as the center of social partnership and recently announced creation of maps of social wellbeing across Kazakhstan," the expert added.



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