Russian company to build $6 billion highway linking Kazakhstan-Russia-Belarus
At the seventh Chinese overseas investment fair (COIFAIR-2015) in Beijing Maria Vinnichenko, member of the board of directors of the company, reported that the road is planned to be put into operation in 2019. "To date, we have purchased the entire corridor of the road in Tambov region. Until the end of the year we will be able to make a more accurate estimate of the total investment. According to our current estimates the total cost of the project will not exceed $ 6 billion. This sum includes both purchase of land and construction of the highway," she said. The highway will start in Orenburg region in the multilateral automobile checkpoint Sagarchin on the border of Russia and Kazakhstan, and end in access to M1 federal highway near the border with Belarus in Smolensk region. The toll road, with a total length of 1956 km, will pass through several regions of Russia. According to her words, the project is funded by the company. However, she stressed that the company does not exclude the participation of the Chinese partners. Maria Vinnichenko noted that the project has great potential in terms of logistics and will greatly reduce shipping time.