Russian, Kazakh specialists on calculating and information technologies held session

ALMATY. March 16. KAZINFORM /Dauren Zhailin/ Session of the Russian-Kazakh working group on calculating and information technologies, devoted to the 60 anniversary of great Kazakh mathematician, academic Shaltai Smagulov has been held today in Almaty.
The main purpose of the session is discussion of prospects for development of information technologies and strengthening of scientific contacts of both countries. The organizers are ?Scientific research institute of mathematics ad mechanics? of the Al Farabi Kazakh National University under the support of Kazakhstan National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Novosibirsk State University, Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS, and Novosibirsk State Technical University. The scientist of both countries expressed assurance that corresponding regular meetings contribute to successful development of scientific-technical and educational cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia.
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