13:54, 29 April 2009 | GMT +5
Russian, Ukrainian premiers to discuss energy in Moscow
MOSCOW. April 29. KAZINFORM Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin will meet with his Ukrainian counterpart Yulia Tymoshenko on Wednesday to discuss bilateral cooperation with the focus on energy; Kazinform refers to RIA Novosti.

Russia postponed government consultations with Ukraine, which were due to be held in late March, over a controversial deal between Kiev and the EU to modernize the ex-Soviet state's aging gas pipeline network.
However, Russia, which transits about 80% of its Europe-bound gas via Ukraine, was angry about the deal claiming it was excluded from the talks in Brussels.
The Kommersant business daily said Tymoshenko is ready to invite Gazprom to sign a new intergovernmental agreement to increase the capacity of Ukraine's Soviet-era gas pipelines.
Tymoshenko's energy advisor, Oleksandr Hudyma confirmed the reports saying that the deal would allow an extra 30 billion cubic meters of gas, estimated at $350 million, to be pumped through the pipeline network.
Ukraine's prime minister said on Monday she would push for amendments to the country's gas supply contract with Russia, to reduce the amount the country imports; Kazinform refers to RIA Novosti.
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