11:26, 30 April 2009 | GMT +5
S Korea interested in plant construction in Atyrau
ASTANA. April 30. KAZINFORM /Kanat Kulshmanov/ The South Korean Company LG Chemical is keenly interested in participation in construction of the Atyrau petrochemical plant. Managing Director of Samruk-Kazyna National Welfare Fund Aidan Karibzhanov has announced it at the Government?s session; Kazinform reports.

?At present Samruk Kazyna Fund continues the activity on implementation of a project of the first integrated gas and chemical complex in Atyrau oblast. Active negotiations with the South Korean company are held. LG Chemical is interested in participation in this project?, Aidan Karibzhanov said.
According to him, a number of the South Korean financial institutions are interested in the project financing amounting to USD 1.5 bln.