10:00, 03 April 2021 | GMT +5
Sacred month of Ramadan begins Apr 13
NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM The Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan held a online meeting in Kazakh capital. It was chaired by Supreme Mufti Nauryzbai Kazhy Taganuly, the administration’s press service reports.

The extended meeting focused on 8 issues. Head of the Shariah and Fatwa Department Sansyzbai Kurbanuly reported on the dates of beginning of Ramadan, Laylatul Qadr (the Night of Decree or Night of Power) and Qurban Ait (Eid al-Adha). The sacred month of Ramadan starts this year on April 13 to end on May 12. It lasts one month. Qurban Ait (Eid al-Adha) falls on May 13, Laylatul Qadr is set to be observed on the night of May 8th to May 9th, 2021.
Following the meeting the Supreme Mufti gave those attending certain tasks.