09:40, 09 September 2013 | GMT +5
Saiga mass mortality recorded in Korgalzhyn reserved area
ASTANA. September 9. KAZINFORM — In accordance with the information provided by the Committee for Forestry and Hunting of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, there have been inspected the Korgalzhyn district of Akmola region and the Nura region of Karaganda region due to incoming messages about mass mortality of the saiga on the southern shore of the Tengiz Lake.

The death of the saiga was fully confirmed. The largest number of mortality (1,000-1,500 species in total) was found on the northern, western and southern shores of the Lake Tengiz.
According to the inspection, the total number of deaths of saiga may reach 3000. Animal health service conducted epizootic check and sampling of pathological material taken from dead animals.