Samgau business festival in Atyrau

This festival is organised by the British Council and Chevron in partnership with the Atyrau Oblast Akimat as part of the I-SEED: Innovation, Social Entrepreneurship and Education project.
Entrance is free, registration required .
Visitors can:
take part in various competitions and win valuable prizes
play tabletop and business games
listen to successful entrepreneurs speaking on various business aspects
The first 300 visitors will receive gifts and surprises from the hosts!
The event is intended for schoolchildren and students 12-23 year old, but we will be happy to see you all!, the official website of the British Council Kazakhstan reads.
The I-SEED Atyrau project under which Samgau business festival is organised has been implemented by the British Council and Chevron in partnership with the Atyrau Oblast Akimat since 2017 to help young people develop knowledge and skills necessary for a successful career and social activism.