Samia Bibars congratulates Kazakhstan on Gratitude Day
«It is great pleasure being here today just to send a message to the people of Kazakhstan, this country which all the citizens live in harmony and peaceful co-existence. And this actually thanks to the great awareness of the people of Kazakhstani society. They all are aware that they should live together in peace, they should live together in harmony. And this is also thanks to the Government of Kazakhstan because of the efforts they have been exerting to ensure this peaceful coexistence between the people and all citizens despite, to my knowledge, they have more than 140 ethnic groups in Kazakhstan. But despite of all of this they all are living in peace and harmony. And I mean mentioning this is because of their awareness and even though because of the efforts which has been exerted by the Government of Kazakhstan to ensure these people to live in peace and to have this kind of harmony. Let me seize the opportunity to greet the country which we all know that Sultan Baybars has arrived from Kazakhstan. This leader actually has been not just leading Egypt but has been leading even though the so-called Sham, it is the part of Syria and Jordan and everything, and all these places and Palestine. He was not just a historical leader but actually also has been having certain accomplishments in different fields in political and military and even though in economic fields. So let me send a big message of peace to Kazakhstani people,» Samia Bibars said.